Analis Trend Kepesertaan Program BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Cabang Pangkal Pinang Tahun 2013-2018

  • Rosyadi Mustaqim Universitas Bangka Belitung


The center of work is one of the factors of production which has the most important role and as a subject in the production process in order to produce goods and services that are needed by the community in economic activities. Therefore, to guarantee the welfare of the workforce, a social security program is needed. In this case the role of the government is very important to run a workforce social security program organized by the Managing Social Security Agency of the Pangkal Pinang Branch. This study aims to determine trends in the development of BPJS Employment Program Branch of Pangkal Pinang in 2013-2018 along with any benefits received by the workforce / community as BPJS Employment participants. The data used are primary and secondary data to calculate the percentage of the data trend, the researcher uses the Graph Model and Percentage in the descriptive analysis method with the help of Microsoft Excel 2013 computer. From the results of research conducted by researchers shows that in principle the employment social security program is very beneficial for the safety and welfare of workers at work. Another analysis explained that overall the membership of BPJS Employment of Pangkal Pinang Branch experienced a significant increase compared to the base year 2013 but basically the participation trend experienced fluctuations caused by various factors. This can be seen from the 2015 percentage of participation in general from various programs experiencing a drastic decrease compared to 2014.


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How to Cite
Mustaqim, R. (2021). Analis Trend Kepesertaan Program BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Cabang Pangkal Pinang Tahun 2013-2018. Holistic Journal of Management Research, 6(1), 26-37.
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